Hola a tod@s! Para hoy una canción para repasar hábitos de higiene saludables con vuestros hij@s. Os adjunto la letra para que podáis cantarla con ellos. Happy morning!

This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face.

This is the way we wash our face  early in the morning.

Wash, wash, wash, wash. Was, wash, wash.

This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair, comb our hair.

This is the way we comb our hair  early in the morning.

Comb, comb, comb, comb. Comb, comb, comb.

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth.

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth early in the morning.

Brush, brush, brush, brush. Brush, brush, brush.

This is the way we get dressed, get dressed, get dressed.

This is the way we get dressed, early in the morning.

This is the way we go to school, go to school, go to school, go to school.

This is the way we go to school, early in the morning.